Thursday, May 24, 2007

How Are You Doing?

So: how are you doing? How are you doing as a steward of God’s creation? We had a wonderful Earth Day celebration in April, and we have talked a lot recently about our role as stewards of God’s creation and the responsibility God has given us to look after this creation.

Are you recycling more and throwing out less? Prince William County takes newspapers, magazines, telephone books, catalogues, cardboard, plastic bottles, glass, and cans. Go to the county’s website,, and click on “Recycling and Trash disposal” and you’ll find all kinds of helpful information, including what to do with old computers, televisions, and other electronic gear, used engine oil, batteries and other goods.

The more we recycle the less we will put in the ground in landfills. Take a drive south out 234 past Hoadly Road and look at the size of the mound of trash at the Prince William County Landfill – that’s all from you and me. The next time you head east on 66, have a look at the large hill that’s on your right at the exit for the Fairfax County Parkway. That’s all trash under there. Your trash and mine.

What else are you doing? Have you begun to go through your house to see where you could replace lightbulbs with the new more energy-efficient bulbs? Are you planning to buy a new refrigerator, washer or dryer? Check to make sure your new appliance has the Energy Star logo. You’ll save money as well as energy.

Our cars pour millions of tons of pollutants into the air each day, even if we don’t see the toxins coming out of tailpipes. If it is time to replace your car, look for a model that gets at least 20% better mileage than your current car. For a helpful website, go to You’ll save money at the gas pump and pollute less. Do you plan to keep your car for a while yet? A simple way to use less gas and pollute less is slow down. Yes, simply driving the speed limit will improve your mileage and reduce the amount of pollution you’re putting in the air by more than 10%.

Everything we do has an impact on God’s creation. We are looking for more and more ways to “go green” around the church. Are you looking for ways to live green at home and at work, as well as at church? The world we live in is God’s, not ours. We are God’s stewards, called to care for this earth at church, at home, at work: everywhere, in everything we do so that God “may always rejoice in his works.” So: how are you doing?

Grace & peace,

Pastor Skip