Saturday, February 1, 2014

Keeping Things "Crunchy"!

We begin February with a rush, our first Sunday filled with activities. February 2nd is, of course, a Communion Sunday, when we gather around our Lord’s Table and are nourished, renewed and refreshed with the bread of life and the cup of salvation. What a perfect way to begin a new month: coming to the Table, the guests of our Lord, all the saints, reconciled one with another.  

The first Sunday of the month is also a Manna Sunday, when we bring our food offerings for the SERVE Food Pantry, to feed the hungry in our community. Last year we collected more than 6,000 pounds of food for hundreds of men, women, and children who rely on SERVE to keep food on their table. Those whom we feed are our brothers and sisters, our friends and neighbors.
It is on the first Sunday of February each year that we hold our Annual Meeting of the Congregation.It is a time for us to look back on the year just ended and celebrate all the many ministries God has called us to. The meeting also provides us with the opportunity to thank those who have completed terms of service on our Session or Board of Deacons. Those ordained to the office of Elder or Deacon are called for life, but faithful service for a term on a board does deserve a respite, along with our profound gratitude.

And if all this isn’t enough, it is also Super Bowl Sunday, with the two best teams in the National Football League facing off to determine which team will be known as champion. Our Middle Schoolers will feed us with their Super Bowl subs as they raise money for their summer trip to Massanetta Springs. They’ll also collect food for SERVE through their Souper Bowl of Caring Offering.

All this is just the first Sunday of the month! It reflects the wonderful vibrancy and liveliness of our church. We do keep things wonderfully “crunchy”!

What will you do this year to build up this body of Christ God has called you to be part of? What will you do to help keep things “crunchy”?

Don’t say you are too busy – everyone is busy! In fact, I’ve always liked the quote attributed to Ben Franklin: “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” God will grace you with the gifts you need to get the job done, whatever is asked of you. 

“Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Grace and peace, 
Pastor Skip