Twenty years ago I served as co-chair of the annual Stewardship campaign at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Buffalo. I was an active member of the church, the third generation of my family to worship there, but I was not at all interested in serving on the Stewardship Committee, much less take the co-chair’s role. The pastor would not take “no” for an answer, however, (and no: we don’t learn that skill at Seminary!) and so I found myself helping to lead the annual campaign.
Six months later, after an effort that we all considered successful, I concluded that God had blessed me richly by calling me to serve on the Stewardship Committee. My eyes had been opened in a way that never would have happened had I not helped with our campaign. Serving on the Stewardship Committee helped me to think about not just what I was giving to the church, but why I was giving, and who was calling me to give.
I realized that I was not making a donation to the church. I wasn’t making a gift. I was simply returning a part of what God had blessed me with. And it wasn’t the Committee that was asking for the pledge, nor was it the Session, nor the minister; it was God who was putting the pledge card in my hand. It was God who calling me to respond. God was gracing me with the opportunity to bring my “first fruits” to his table to do his work.
I think everyone should serve a two-year term on the Stewardship Ministry Team. In fact, I think we should require it of every active member. Your eyes will be opened in ways you might not have thought possible. You’ll develop a better appreciation for where and how we spend our funds on all the ministries we do here at our church. Indeed, you will see how everything we do is ministry. You will see how even painting a door or shoveling the walk is ministry.
In this month of thanksgiving, make sure you thank those who have helped with our Stewardship efforts this year. It was a small core Team led by Elders Mishelle Noble-Blair and Jim Crane. But there were many helping hands. Find them, and then, after you have expressed your gratitude, offer to serve on the Team next year. And don’t be surprised if, at the end of two years, you find that you have been “enriched in every way for your great generosity, which will produce thanksgiving to God…”
Grace & peace,
Pastor Skip