Monday, September 29, 2008

Responding Joyfully

At the top of my list of things to do before I left for vacation in August was “Return Stewardship Pledge Card”. The Stewardship Ministry Team met with our Elders and Deacons in early August and asked that the officers lead our Stewardship 2009 campaign by returning pledge cards even before the start of the Fall Stewardship campaign.

I filled out my pledge card joyfully, gratefully, and eagerly, happy to have the opportunity to make my pledge of support to the work God calls us to do through this Body of Christ that is the Manassas Presbyterian Church. There are so many wonderful ministries we do together all in the name of Jesus Christ. And, there is so much more we could and should be doing.

Each Sunday throughout the Fall we are focusing on the work of our 9 different Ministry Teams. We’ve already heard from Christian Education, the Early Learning Center, and the Worship & Music ministry teams. Over the next few weeks we will hear from Mission, Personnel, and, of course, Stewardship. Property, Membership, and Finance & Administration will share their ministries with us in November.

Our Ministry Teams are eager to share both the work they do and the challenges they face as they try to respond faithfully to their respective calls to ministry. A few Sundays ago we learned from Christian Education that we spend only about $30 per child per year on their Sunday School education! The Early Learning Center shared with us that over the past 40 years, more than 6,000 children have walked through our classroom doors to learn, sing, play, and be nurtured and loved. Our Worship & Music Team shared with us how many people are needed and how many little details go into planning even the simplest worship service each week.

Every ministry is important to our church, and every ministry we do is a response to God’s call to service. And, for as much as we do, God always calls us to new, different, and expanded ministries. We are particularly eager to expand the ministry we offer our youth, and we also want to expand our education ministry to our adults – and we can provide both vital ministries by restoring the Associate Pastor’s position.

Our Stewardship Ministry Team has put in countless hours to make this Fall’s Stewardship campaign successful and fun in the process. When the saddlebag comes to your home, I hope you will fill out your pledge card as I did: eagerly, gratefully, and joyfully. Henri Nouwen captures perfectly the opportunity we each are given through our pledge cards, “to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you -- your energy, your prayers, and your money --- in this work to which God has called us." Everything we do is ministry and the way we live our lives is stewardship, all as we follow the one who came to serve, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace & peace,
Pastor Skip